Our ultimate, industry-leading ultrasonics allow us to offer you a one-year warranty on the useful life of your filter. After extensive process refinement and testing, we have developed an unmatched cleaning option for filters in every industry. Our ultrasonic cleaning process will bring any functioning filter back to as much as 99% of its useful life; well beyond the industry standard of only 35%.
**Does not include removal or installation from vehicle**
Our level 3 solution-flush service sets DPF Alternatives apart from other DPF cleaning companies. Combined with our Air-Knife service, Advanced regeneration “Bake”, and our 6 month warranty, this option should be your minimum level of cleaning for any filter.
**Does not include removal or installation from vehicle**
Our level 2 Advanced-regen “Bake” service is commonly combined with the Air-Knife process in level 1. This process is an excellent option for regularly maintaining your filter.
**Does not include removal or installation from vehicle**
Our base air-only service provides an environmentally safe and competitively priced solution for moderately clogged filters. DPF Alternatives starts every ultrasonic cleaning with this step to remove any loose debris.
**Does not include removal or installation from vehicle**
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While we are located in Dalhart, we travel throughout the entire Dalhart, Amarillo & Pampa region with our free pickup and delivery service.